PPARES expects members to regularly participate in scheduled nets by checking in and by serving as net control. Benefits of net participation include:

  1. Verifies your equipment is in proper working order
  2. Practice net protocol
  3. Get to know your fellow PPARES members
  4. Participate in over-the-air training exercises
  5. Receive PPARES news and announcements
net name mode frequency or system schedule
PPARES VHF Net phone CMRG 147.345 MHz, FM, 107.2 Hz tone, +600 kHz offset 
(BACKUP: PPFMA 146.970 MHz, FM, 100Hz tone, -600 kHz offset)
Tuesday @ 1900L
COARES VHF SSB Net phone 144.220 MHz (USB) Monday @ 1900L
COARES HF SSB Net phone 3810 kHz (LSB) Sunday @ 0800L
COARES Soundcard Net BPSK31 3590 kHz CENTER (mark tone, USB)
(3580 kHz alternate, if QRM is present)
2nd, 4th
Thursday @ 1900L
COARES CW Net CW 3570 kHz at 10-15 WPM or slowest check-in.
1st, 3rd
Thursday @ 1830L
COARES Statewide VHF Net phone Colorado Connection Linked Repeater System Sunday @ 2000L
Columbine Traffic Net phone 3989 kHz (LSB) Daily @ 1930L

NOTE: Current COARES net info is at